Art Journal Portrait with Painter’s Palette by Priss BlaFu

Hello, creative souls!

Are you ready for a journey into the world of art journaling? Join me as we dive into the magical world of Lindy’s Flat Shakers and bring a portrait to life. In this latest tutorial, I’ll be sharing my process for infusing color and depth into a portrait using the versatile Lindy’s Painter’s Palette.

So grab your favorite art supplies, settle into your creative space, and let’s embark on this artistic adventure together! Don’t forget to watch the video tutorial for an up-close look at each step of the process. Let’s unleash our creativity with Lindy’s Flat Shakers!

First, we’ll select an old paper with some text or numbers on it. It could be a page from an old book or an antique ledger sheet. Then, we’ll protect it with a light layer of white gesso, diluted with a bit of water. Finally, we’ll draw a face on it, but don’t worry if drawing isn’t your forte. You can use a stamp or find a portrait drawing to use.

In my case, I used this Rubber Dance stamp, which features only the facial features of a woman. If you decide to use a stamp, be sure to use permanent ink that is not activated by water. Additionally, I recommend protecting it with clear embossing powder to prevent the colors from spreading where you don’t want them to.

To bring my portrait to life, I primarily used the colors from the Vinny’s View set.

For the face, Cafe Terrace Tangerine, heavily diluted in water, provides a pleasant facial tone, which you can darken slightly with Bring de House Brown for more dramatic shadows, as I did. However, if you’re aiming for a more realistic look, use Portrait Blazer Blue for the facial shadows. And for the highlights on the face, I mixed a touch of white gouache with Tangerine, as I wanted a more opaque appearance.

I used Portrait Blazer Blue and Ears Lookin’ ‘Atcha Olive for the background of my lady.

I don’t know why, but I’m obsessed with portraits of women with their hair up and drawings in their hair, so I tend to draw a lot like that. First I thought of a big turban for my dramatic girl. And yet, in the end, I decided to paint it with Das Werk Wine from the Kissing Klimt set and drew some branches pointing upwards and blooming with small white buds.

Then, all you have to do is assemble the page aesthetically that connects with your emotions, and voilà, you get a wonderful page with a portrait of a girl that represents you in this moment of your life. What do you think? Are you encouraged to make one?

Are you curious to see how this portrait came to life? Join me in the full video tutorial, where I’ll guide you through the process of creating this art journal page. From selecting the perfect colors to adding intricate details, you’ll discover how Lindy’s products bring art to life in the most vibrant and enchanting ways. Click the link below to watch the tutorial now.

I hope you feel inspired to embark on your own artistic adventure and create something that speaks to your soul. So keep creating and embracing the beauty of self-expression!

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Until next time, happy creating time!

Hugs, Priss

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